SnapChat Launch Multiple Features

Just as we are saying our goodbyes to 2018, which has brought us so many wonderful experiences, we are welcoming in a whole new year. This year's hardships have piqued the interest of others. Snapchat has added a year-end story function to help with this. This year's Snapchat Year-End Story gives users a look back at the year that was.

See the Snapchat Year-End Story Feature in Action with These Steps

Snapchat's Year-End Story is similar to Facebook's Year-End Story, which shows us what we accomplished over the year. Today, both Android and iOS users will be able to take advantage of this new functionality. "This new feature is meant to commemorate the wide range of feelings, events, and the material taken on Snap and stored in the Memories feature throughout the year," Snapchat said in a statement.
People who have a lot of memories saved on Snapchat will benefit the most from this new feature.
To see your 2018 Year-End Story on Snapchat, follow these steps:

This is how you'll get to witness the Snapchat New Year's Eve story:
  • Open the Snapchat camera app and take a photo or video.
  • Take a snapshot by tapping the photo icon underneath the shutter button.
  • In the "My 2018 in Snaps" collection, there would be a link at the top.
  • In the Memories area of your account, you may now edit and share the image for your story.
  • To share "My 2018 in Snaps" with loved ones, Snapchat allows users to save the story. Snapchat is steadily rolling out this new feature, and you'll be one of the first to get it in the next two days.
We would love to hear about it in the comments. Snapchat is also working on launching more benefits in addition to this one. To see those options, click here.

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