Here’s How To Enable Google Chrome’s New Material Design Refresh

Google has spent the past several years working on a Material Design update for Chrome for desktop and mobile. The elements are currently undergoing a makeover in preparation for inclusion in the final, stable release of the browser.

Chrome 64 on iOS as well as desktop has elements of the Google Material update that were previously buried behind flags in the options menu. However, the updated material features found in Chrome on PC are not yet available in Chrome 68 for Android.

An Improvement to Google Google's Material Design

Chrome for desktop has a rounder, whiter look, while Chrome for mobile has been completely revamped.

Google has chosen to move the menu bar to the bottom of the display. The navigation buttons (forward as well as back) and tabs are now located in the page's footer. The newly added "search" button would take you directly to the URL bar. It works wonderfully for those with towering smartphones. Okay, let's have a look at that.

Vibrant Laptop

  • Chrome:/flags/#top-chrome-MD is where we need to go.
  • Modify the setting in "interface  Layout for the browser's top chrome" from "default" to "refresh."
  • Please restart Firefox for the changes to take effect

Chrome on iOS

  • If you are using Chrome on iOS, go to chrome:/flags/#top-chrome-MD.
  • To begin the "User Experience Refreshing Phase 1," go to the settings and choose "enabled."
  • Please restart Chrome for the changes to take effect.
We have  redesigned the new tab page to make it easier to navigate by placing the navigation buttons at the bottom. Google's desktop version of Chrome has not been changed to use the new rounded tabs. Additionally, the updated Material Design is not yet reflected in Chrome 64 for iOS. 

Accordingly, Google still has room for improvement. It is reasonable to assume that the business will make every effort to roll out the updated version to users as quickly as feasible.


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